4.5. One of the few genuinely frightening films. The ambiguity in Henry James' original has been reduced by several degrees to a more explicit cautionary tale about sexual depravity and repression, but Clayton's adaptation manages to create an unsettling and hypnotic psychological maze of its own with fluid, seemingly effortless long takes, the distorting and contrasting effects of the simultaneous uses of deep focus and extra-wide angle lens, an eerie atmospheric soundscape, and Deborah Kerr's perpetually frightened expression.
喜欢开头像纪录片一样关于Oslo的画面还有中间在cafe男主耳听八方消化周围人聊天的片段尤其是看了《恋爱假期2006》之后我的兔子好软水好多的对于drug addict恢复还是很悲观的像鬼魂一样永远生活在黑暗中短暂的clean不过像是暗夜烛火一样摇摇欲坠怎么能照亮望不到尽头的黑暗