3.5; Curse the misleading trailer! Thank god it’s not some formulaic expression of feminism as the trailer makes it out to be. After all, Little Women is not a didactic piece that urges women to discard their ‘heart’ and ‘beauty’ just because they are socially expected to have those qualities. When a social norm begins to threaten one's autonomy, always remember: if one went the opposite way of a stereotype for the sake of breaking that stereotype, one is still dictated by that very stereotype. Joe learns it the hard way, and her most revealing line in the film is: 'but I'm so lonely'. The very line that's been cut off from the trailer.
2018.10.26 / 2020.07.28 #SIFF2020#二刷未修复雪花版这个时候的小津有在尝试很多人物交错的构图以及长时间的静物空镜头吉泽明野随着钟表声一起表现时间流逝也让情绪绵延也表现对东京现代生活的恐慌在他第一部有声片里放入了一段有声片母亲看睡着这个桥段太真实了